New 0-19 Year Derbyshire Healthcare ChatHealth Text Lines
Are you 11-19 years old and want advice or have any worries about Emotional Health, Sexual Health, Relationships, Drugs and Alcohol Use, Physical Health?
Text the Derbyshire Healthcare Young People’s ChatHealth Service on 07507 327104
Or are you the parent or carer of a child aged between 0-19 and want advice or have any worries about Bedwetting /soiling/toileting, concerns about hearing or vision, feeding problems, weaning, emotional wellbeing, behaviour, speech concerns ?
Text the Derbyshire Healthcare Parents and Carers ChatHealth Services on 07507 327754
We might inform someone if we were concerned about your safety but we would usually speak to you first. Parents with children up to age of 19 can contact us and we will ensure the relevant practitioner will respond. Your messages are stored and can be seen by other health care staff who follow the same confidentiality rules. We aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate message back to confirm we have received your text. Texts will only be seen between 9am and 5pm. If you need help before you hear back from us contact your GP, nearest walk-in centre or dial 111. Our text number does not receive voice calls or MMS picture messages. We support messaging from UK mobile numbers only (which does not include messages sent from landlines, international mobile numbers and some ‘number masking’ mobile apps). To prevent the health professional from sending messages to you, text STOP to our number. Messages are charged at your usual rates.
Rashes in babies and children
Many things can cause a rash in babies and children, and they’re often nothing to worry about.
The NHS provide support for identifying some of the common rashes in babies and children.
NHS: Rashes in babies and childrenNHS vaccinations and when to have them
It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection. Check the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by and contact your GP.
NHS vaccinations and when to have themCAMHS
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) supports young people’s mental health and wellbeing in North Derbyshire.
01298 72445
www.camhsnorthderbyshire.nhs.ukFirst Steps
At First Steps they have a number of qualified counsellors and trainee counsellors offering individual sessions for anyone affected by eating disorders.
01332 367571
They will see children and young people who want to talk about any issue that’s bothering them. They offer counselling for 5-18 year olds in schools and community venues. They also work closely with other organisations that support children and young people to help deliver local support appropriate for your child’s needs.
01332 349177
Relate Derby and Southern Derbyshire
Email Children’s Sleep Charity
The Children’s Sleep Charity is a national, award-winning charity supporting children with sleep issues. Support for families and accredited training for professionals and commercial organisations is provided.
01302 751416
Email for Life
Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
Start for Life