Advanced nurse practitioner
Liz Lewis
Nursing team leader, asthma and COPD nurse
Diabetes, COPD and asthma nurse
Diabetes nurse
Asthma and COPD nurse
Healthcare assistant
Care co-ordinator
Care co-ordinators are part of the integrated community team employed by Derbyshire Community Health Services and they are based at local GP practices.
Our care co-ordinator is Tina Sandall and can be contacted on 01332 559402.
This is a free service and they can work with anyone over the age of 18 to help to support and work on your behalf as the link between all the different services and organisations in the community.
If you are an older adult they can help you get the support you need to remain independent in your own home for as long as possible.
If you are a family member or carer of someone and you also feel you need some extra help, support or information they can help you too.
It’s not just about medical or social care needs, they can also help you to access local support and volunteer groups such as: day centres, local community groups, healthy lifestyle activities, bereavement support, meals-on-wheels, befriending, carer support and local volunteering opportunities.