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Managing your health online

Using an online form

There are many things you can do online at our surgery. Some tasks you can do using our website where you can:

  • request an appointment
  • request a sick note
  • ask about test results
  • contact us about an admin request

You do not need an account to use this website.

Using your NHS account or SystmOnline

There are other tasks you can do online, like:

These service allow patients to:

  • book appointments
  • cancel appointments
  • view booked appointments
  • order repeat prescriptions
  • view allergies and adverse reactions

We have worked closely with our clinical software provider to develop appropriate systems for patients to also request online access to their detailed coded records, using a method that is secure and safeguards the best interests of the patient.

For these, you can use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App) or SystmOnline.

Setting up an NHS account

To set up your NHS account for the first time, you will need to set up an NHS login. Read about how to set up NHS login.

Once you have set up your NHS login, you can log in to your NHS account or download the NHS App onto your phone.

How to register for SystmOnline account

To register for our online services:

  • complete our register for online services form
  • come into the practice and speak to our reception staff after 11am

You will be issues with a unique username and password.

To protect your security, we ask you to bring some form of photographic identification before we are able to provide you with your login details. Parents may request access for their children. Those aged 13 and over are requested to attend in person with appropriate photo ID. Patients reaching the age of 13 will have their accounts suspended and will have to re-register in person.

SystmOnline security

For security purposes please ensure you memorise your username and password details. You should change the password provided once you have logged onto the website and should not share your login details with any other person.

All personal information used by SystmOnline is secure and protected. It is only available to staff at your practice who have appropriate security controls (those managing appointments and repeat prescribing).

SystmOnline usage policy

Please use our service responsibly.

In cases of misuse of our service we reserve the right to withdraw login details, preventing further access to the service.

Examples of misuse may be:

  • Booking of appointments that you have no intention of attending
  • Repeatedly booking appointments and then cancelling appointments
  • Repeatedly requesting prescriptions that you do not need

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 2 January 2025