Health and Social Care Record
Sharing Your Information
Your health and social care records contain important information about you. We’ll always keep your information safe and never sell it or pass it on.
And making that information available to health and social care staff involved in your care means everyone can work together to give you the best support we can, by having your most up to date data.
It means you don’t have to repeatedly provide the same facts, have unnecessary tests and it would prevent you being given drugs that you are allergic to.
What does this Information contain?
This information might be details of your appointments, assessments, medications or anything that would help a health and social care professional to support you.
If you have chosen not to opt out
Information held on your records may be securely shared with appropriate professionals who are working with you to provide support. However, these professionals will still ask for your explicit consent to view certain information when treating and supporting you.
For more information view Health and Social Care Record website: